We exist to be a community of people who love Jesus, make disciples and live sent.
Sunday Evenings (During School Year)
House Gathering at 7 pm
Location: "The Henderson House"
Join us on Sunday evenings (except the last Sunday of the month) for a time of fellowship and sharing a free meal together.
The Belonging: College & Young Adults
Last Sunday of the month / 7 - 8:30 pm
Location: HHBC Activities Center
The Belonging is a gathering for college students and young adults to belong, to be known, and live sent. It’s a time that’s filled with authentic community, worship, teaching, testimonies, and FREE FOOD! Whether you’re in college, working, or just figuring life out, this is the place for you. Join us the last Sunday of each month during the school year, and bring your friends!
College & Young Adult Community Groups
Looking for a place to belong, be known and do life together? Our College & Young Adult Community Groups meet every week on the HHBC campus and in homes, where you can dive deeper with God and build real friendships. Call for location and details.
Sundays at 9 am / College & Young Adults
Location: Room W-108
Leaders: Aubrey & Audrey Ellis (405) 760-6206
Sundays at 10:30 am / Young Adults
Location: B27
Leaders: Jace & Randi White (405-439-6160)
Sundays at 10:30 am / Young Adults "Bridges"
Location: Church Office Basement Room 22
Leaders: Brad & Chrissy Brown (405) 326-9769
Mondays at 7 pm / College
Location: Home Group
Leaders: Jason & Paige Redwine (405) 812-3391
Mondays at 7 pm / College
Location: Home Group
Leaders: Trebor & Sheryl Nall (405) 509-0185
Wednesdays at 6:15 pm / College & Internationals
Location: College House
Leaders: Dustin & Jessica Loehrs (405) 314-3975
Wednesdays at 7 pm / College
Location: Home Group
Leaders: Erick & Courtney Harp (405) 595-1448
Thursdays at 6:30 pm / Young Adults
Location: Home Group
Leaders: Shivam & Addison Patel (580) 309-1600
The Henderson Hills House
"The House" is our church-owned space located near the UCO campus at 232 E. Hurd. Every Sunday night during the school year (except the last Sunday of the month), we offer a free dinner at 7 pm.
The House is a welcoming hub for college students, international students, and young adults to connect and build community. Whether you are looking for a place to hang out during the day, catch up on homework, or enjoy a free Sunday night dinner, you're always welcome here. Join us and be a part of our community!
Discipleship is at the heart of our College & Young Adult Ministry at HHBC. We believe that no one should walk through life alone, but rather in community with fellow believers, all striving to become more like Jesus. Our vision is simple yet profound: "To glorify God by becoming a hub for an all-ages disciple-making movement."
We are deeply commited to fostering life-on-life discipleship relationships, where, through the power of the Holy Spirit lives are tranformed and shaped to reflect the character of Jesus.
Interested? Click the links below to get involved.
- Click HERE for all upcoming HHBC events including College & Young Adult
Connect With Us
- Virtual Connect Card
- Instagram: @hhbc_cya
- Join our Flare Group
- Email Shivam Patel