Henderson Hills Baptist Church is committed to making disciples.
Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples ("Go therefore and make disciples..." Matthew 28:19) Our aim and vision is "to glorify God through becoming a hub for an all-ages disciple-making movement." We are motivated to experience life-on-life disciple-making relationships with other disciples—by the power of the Holy Spirit—transforming lives that are becoming more and more like Jesus.
5 Reasons to join a Disciple-Making Micro-Group:
- Because Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go, make disciples.” (Matthew 29:19) He also said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
- Because God grows disciples through intimate and accountable relationships who are abiding in Him (John 15:7-11).
- Because God empowered, life-giving, disciple-making relationships breathe vitality into our marriages, our families, and our communities.
- Because a God-inspired disciple-making movement will fuel Henderson Hills' vision of sending disciple-makers to new church plants and churches being replanted.
- Because God has called you to the privilege of making an eternal difference in priceless lives who may be spiritual detached.
Discipleship 101 Class
The best training for being a disciple-maker is being fully invested in a disciple-making micro-group. But if you want to see a brief series of videos that were presented to people interested in becoming disciple-makers, click HERE.
If you're ready jump in, click one of the boxes below to start your disciple-making journey!
Once you have your Micro-Group, the next step is to go over the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines. This is a covenant that is to the Lord and each other. These are important steps that each memeber should abide by. The guidelines help establish a safe environment for transparency, vulnerability, sharing and growing closer in relationship with God and each other. Click HERE for the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines.
Disciple-Making Training Resources:
discipleship.org - A collaborative community of men and women committed to the discipleship lifestyle (blogs, articles, e-books, and podcasts)
RealLifeMinistries.com - a network of relational disciple-making churches (studies, podcasts, videos)
theglobaldiscipleshipinitiative.org - Compelled by Jesus' Great Commission, multiplying transformed disciples through Micro-Groups
For more information, contact Sydney Brooks