Join us in-person on Sundays at 9 or 10:30 am and online at 10:30 am. Find the Livestream HERE.

Henderson Hills Baptist Church is committed to making disciples.

Jesus commanded His disciples to make disciples ("Go therefore and make disciples..." Matthew 28:19) Our aim and vision is "to glorify God through becoming a hub for an all-ages disciple-making movement." We are motivated to experience life-on-life disciple-making relationships with other disciples—by the power of the Holy Spirit—transforming lives that are becoming more and more like Jesus.


5 Reasons to join a Disciple-Making Micro-Group:

  1. Because Jesus commanded His disciples, “Go, make disciples.” (Matthew 29:19) He also said “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)

  2. Because God grows disciples through intimate and accountable relationships who are abiding in Him (John 15:7-11).

  3. Because God empowered, life-giving, disciple-making relationships breathe vitality into our marriages, our families, and our communities.

  4. Because a God-inspired disciple-making movement will fuel Henderson Hills' vision of sending disciple-makers to new church plants and churches being replanted.
  5. Because God has called you to the privilege of making an eternal difference in priceless lives who may be spiritual detached. 


Discipleship 101 Class

The best training for being a disciple-maker is being fully invested in a disciple-making micro-group. But if you want to see a brief series of videos that were presented to people interested in becoming disciple-makers, click HERE.


If you're ready jump in, click one of the boxes below to start your disciple-making journey!



I am being led to obey God's calling and JOIN a disciple-making Micro-Group. I want to join Henderson Hills' mission to become an all-ages disciple-making movement.


I am being led to obey God's calling and LEAD a disciple-making Micro-Group. I want to join Henderson Hills' mission to become an all-ages disciple-making movement.


I have a Micro-Group UPDATE (time, date, and names of Micro-Group members) or STORY (how God is transforming lives) that I need to submit to the Discipleship & Community Ministry.

Once you have your Micro-Group, the next step is to go over the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines. This is a covenant that is to the Lord and each other. These are important steps that each memeber should abide by. The guidelines help establish a safe environment for transparency, vulnerability, sharing and growing closer in relationship with God and each other. Click HERE for the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines.

Disciple-Making Training Resources: - A collaborative community of men and women committed to the discipleship lifestyle (blogs, articles, e-books, and podcasts) - a network of relational disciple-making churches (studies, podcasts, videos) - Compelled by Jesus' Great Commission, multiplying transformed disciples through Micro-Groups


For more information, contact Sydney Brooks