Henderson Hills envisions a church where every member, regardless of age or background, actively invests in the spiritual growth of others.
Discipleship is not passive but dynamic, transforming, and multiplying. We are becoming a hub for an all-ages disciple-making movement, integrating individual spiritual growth with multiplying leaders who replicate Jesus’ ministry through transforming relationships.
We embrace synergistic, interconnected discipleship, where Community Groups, Micro-Groups, and 1-on-1 mentoring are interconnected pathways to spiritual maturity and multiplication. Every member is equipped and empowered to participate in the Great Commission, producing disciples who make disciples.
Wednesday Equipping Nights
Wednesdays at 6:15 in the Activity Center, you can experience a creative Discover Bible Study method and learn how God calls you, trains you, and sends you to make disciples. The 9-week Bible Study will follow the 3-phase command to Jesus' first disciples in Matthew 4:19, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
Disciple-Making Training Resources
Disciple-Making 101 - Henderson Hill’s initial discipleship training, Wednesday Nights August - October 2022
discipleship.org - A collaborative community of men and women committed to the discipleship lifestyle (blogs, articles, e-books, and podcasts)
If you're ready jump in, click one of the boxes below to start your disciple-making journey!
Once you have your Micro-Group, the next step is to go over the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines. This is a covenant that is to the Lord and each other. These are important steps that each memeber should abide by. The guidelines help establish a safe environment for transparency, vulnerability, sharing and growing closer in relationship with God and each other. Click HERE for the Micro-Group Covenant and Guidelines.
For more information, contact Phil Sallee