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Posts by L.K. Ortiz

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Psalm 49


The certainty of death changes the meaning of life. Psalm 49, in its proverbial wisdom, tells us that the rich have a false sense of security and perception of invincibility, but this psalm says: not so fast. There is a time limit on their power and influence, and it will fade away. This psalm is a needed reminder that our power and life on this earth are temporary....

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Behold: The Peace of Jesus


Biblical peace is more than just striving for the absence of conflict; it is taking action to restore true brokenness. The peace modeled by our Savior is more than a state of inner tranquility; it is a state of perfect wholeness and complete trust in God....

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Living it Out! - Intentional Disciple-Making


Many believers move through the Christian life stagnant in their disciple-making as they have never been discipled themselves. We must uncover and address our hidden hearts, sins and struggles by opening ourselves to the Lord and the disciple-making process....

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Living It Out! – Desperate Dependence


When will we get desperate for Him? In vulnerability, we must come before the Lord and ask the hard questions...

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