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Posts Tagged with "humility"

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Living It Out! – Desperate Dependence


When will we get desperate for Him? In vulnerability, we must come before the Lord and ask the hard questions...

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Pray, Vote & Trust: Christians and Politics


We are called to influence this world while we are here, but we must not hold on to this world or politics too tightly. ...

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Perfect Peace - Refining Trials


How does a person speak of all that comes in battle with a life-threatening disease? How do you respond to a life altering trial? ...

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Real Talk: Who Has my Heart?


Does Jesus have your heart today? Are you running the race of life alone or have you asked the Lord to carry you?...

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Crying Out to God: Help Me to Trust You


During times of adversity, it is natural for us to complain. We are tempted to doubt God has our best in mind....

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A Prayer for Grace: Hebrews 4:16


Just the simple act of prayer is a conduit for grace. As we begin our prayers, we enter the Father’s presence....

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Trusting God: Giving Him Everything


Do you totally trust God with your future and direction? When we can do that and let that submission permeate our lives, there is fullness of joy and there are pleasures beyond our understanding....

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Trust in Despair - Born Again to a Living Hope


In hard times, stillness can be a blessing. Meditate on God’s goodness as you rest, though right now uncomfortably, in your secure sonship—He has caused you to be born again and His plan for you cannot be thwarted!...

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