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A Prayer for Grace: Hebrews 4:16


“Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace in our time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

Meditate: Just the simple act of prayer is a conduit for grace. As we begin our prayers, we enter the Father’s presence where grace abounds so much that the writer of Hebrews call it the throne of grace. Without saying a word or thinking one of our thoughts we are in an atmosphere of grace. Simply being with the Lord in prayer the mercy and grace our soul needs surrounds us and is freely ours. It is no wonder scripture tells us so many times to “be still” or “meditate on Him” or “rest in Him.” Take a moment to be silent, quiet yourself, imagine this place where grace and mercy surrounds you, and it is palpable. Now, gently and quietly say to yourself, “I am in your presence, Oh Lord, let me rest here for a while.”


Prayer: Father I want nothing more than to rest in your throne room, to recognize in my soul your grace and your love for me. Quiet me Lord, that I may freely receive mercy and grace in my time of needing you. Thank you that the grace is there because God is there. Today I want to enjoy your presence.