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Be Anxious For Nothing: Trusting God



“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made know to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” Philippians 4:6-8


Anxiety is so debilitating. It seems that everything around us in our culture; the national dialogue, politics, social media, is angry and anxious. How great that we have a mighty Father and Savior who can guard our hearts and minds? There may be times when we seem to spiral down a dark hole of anxiety, but we are not alone, because our Father is with us. Our Savior understands that we can be anxious and He will comfort us even in those times. Paul tells us literally to “stop being anxious.” He then gives us some tools, that is, he tells us to pray with supplication which means to approach God and make a request for which an answer is asked. And he says to do this prayer and supplication with thanksgiving or with an attitude of the heart considering that when we do this we are in the presence of God, asking Him to hear us and trusting that He will answer. In our times of anxiety, there is Jesus, and in our times of rejoicing, there is Jesus. He guards our hearts and minds wherever we are because He loves us. 

Then verse 8 invites us, gives us permission, or encourages us to think about the honorable, good, pure, lovely, noble, commendable, excellent things in our lives that we experience or witness and then to be willing to think about these things, instead of the anxious things, and let those thoughts be praiseworthy. Praiseworthy thoughts lift our spirits, ease our anxious thoughts, and let us rest in God rather than struggling with our circumstances.

We can be reminded by this benediction:

The Lord’s providence has purpose. Let us be patient.

The Lord’s promises are precise. Let us be prayerful.

The Lord’s provision is perfect. Let us be pleased.

The Lord’s presence is permanent. Let us be peaceful.

What a joy it is to serve the Lord with all our hearts! We can allow our aim each day to be to please the Lord. Let’s ask the Lord, in what ways we can please Him, our family, and others today. Let’s choose to rest in Him, and not worry about anything, but instead, pray about everything.


"Speak, Lord, for Thy servant is listening." I Samuel 3:9 Help us to be persistent in our prayers in your presence speaking our hearts to you our Father. Help us to seek you daily, knowing your answers will be according to your will. Make my heart thankful in spite of my circumstances. Lead my mind to think about things that bring a praise to my voice and a reminder to my heart that you love me. Father, today I want/need to make a choice to trust in you, to make my desires your desires, and to rest in your goodness. In Jesus name, Amen