Pray, Vote & Trust: Christians and Politics

“It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.” Psalm 118:9
In November, we will vote for the next President of the United States. Should Christians participate in the election? What is a biblical view of the political process?
First, civil government was instituted by God for His purposes and our protection (Romans 13:1-7). We are blessed to live in a nation in which citizens elect their leaders. As Christians, we should participate in that process, seeking to influence every sphere of society for God’s glory.
Second, we must understand that perfect candidates do not exist. All candidates are flawed human beings (Romans 3:23), which is why we limit their term in office. We should discern the issues, know where the candidates stand on those issues, and pray for wisdom. Then, we should vote in a way that is consistent with Christian values and constitutional principles (since this person will swear an oath to uphold it).
Third, we know that God is sovereign over elections, over leaders, and over nations (Proverbs 21:1; Acts 17:26). As citizens, we should keep leaders accountable to their God-given duties, but as Christians we should put our trust in God and not in government. Trusting God eliminates fear (Isaiah 41:10).
Finally, we must remember that America is not our permanent residence (Philippians 3:20). We will live here for a short time, but we will live in heaven for eternity. Which one is more important? We are called to influence this world while we are here, but we must not hold on to this world too tightly (1 John 2:15-17).
Before election day, pray and learn. On election day, pray and vote. After election day, pray and trust God with the results.
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