The Waiting Room: Growth in Stillness
Psalm 27:13, 14
“I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord... Wait for the Lord. Be strong and let your heart take courage. Yes, wait for the Lord.” (NASB)
These past two months have felt like two years. We have stayed active but gone nowhere. We have done everything in our power to keep from losing our minds, to keep from despairing, but we’re in a “waiting room,” and all we can do is wait! When will all of this be over?
Sometimes, waiting for the Lord feels that way. Throughout the Bible, we are encouraged to “wait upon the Lord,” but waiting on the Lord is difficult. Most often His timetable does not match our timetable, so we wait. But what are we supposed to do while we wait? We must not waste time in His “waiting room.” In the “waiting room” is where we grow in our faith.
To wait means to stay or to rest with expectation. While in the “waiting room,” we are to stay active in prayer and anticipate God’s response. While in the “waiting room,” we are to cast our cares on Him and expect to see His faithfulness and goodness. While in the “waiting room,” we are not to be idle or impatient. We should not despair or get discouraged. We wait for the Lord in faith and, therefore, we wait for the Lord in peace, believing that He will answer. “Those who wait for the Lord will gain new strength…” (Isaiah 40:31).
Lord, I cast my cares on You and wait. I will not wait idly, but I will labor while I wait, labor in prayer, praying for Your mercy and grace. I know Your eyes are upon me, Lord, so I wait humbly, gratefully. I know You love me, Lord, so I wait in peace and in patience. I will not despair. I will not run ahead of You and point the way. No, I will rest. I will be still and know that You are God. I trust You, Lord, so I wait. An answer will come in Your timing, in Your way, so I wait. You, O Lord, are my hope, my help. I will be strong, take courage, and wait.
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