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Kids Night Out

December 13, 2024

6:15pm – 9:30pm

Category: Hillside Kids

Kids Night Out is designed to provide affordable childcare for birth through 5th grade children whose parents attend organized HHBC Community Group social events. KNO affords peace of mind for parents, knowing their children are enjoying a safe, activity-filled evening at the church with the friends they have made in a small group or in family groups. Children attending KNO enjoy Bible-based games, crafts, activities, and snacks. Parents remain with their Community Group members for the evening so they can easily be contacted.

  • Cost: $20 for first child, $15 each additional child ($35 max)
  • When: 6:15 - 9:30 pm on the second Friday of the month (usually)
  • Registration Cut-off: Noon on Monday before the KNO date

Registration for December HERE

For more information, contact Jennifer.