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Women's Wednesday Morning Bible Studies Begin

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January 15, 2025

9:30am – 11:30am

Category: Women

Date: Wednesday, January 15
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Location: HHBC Various Rooms

Choose From:

  • Luke in the Land by Kristi McLelland (7 weeks) led by Cameron Moore
  • Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen (6 weeks) led by Amy Tracy
  • To the Ends of the Earth: Acts 13-28 (8 weeks) led by Carol Sallee
  • God's "I Am" Revelations: Genesis & Exodus (6 weeks) led by Daneille Leiphart

For more information about each of these studies, click HERE

  • To register, please click HERE
  • To register for childcare, please click HERE
    (Deadline to register for childcare is January 8)

 Important Changes to Childcare Cost

Beginning in the fall of 2024, childcare will be available but there will be a fee. As you are well aware, costs for almost everything are continuing to rise. This effects what it costs to offer childcare for Bible Study. The cost for one child will be $20. Each additional child will cost $15. The max a family will pay is $35. This cost will be for the entire semester of Bible study and paid when you register your children for childcare at the the beginning of the semester. Remember, that we do have a deadline for childcare and we are unable to add children after the deadline passes. 

Cost should not prohibit a woman from attending Bible Study. That goes for materials and now, childcare. If you’d like to attend Bible Study and cannot afford to pay for materials or childcare or both, please reach out. Through the generosity of others, there is provision for you! Also, there is childcare available for free on Wednesday nights as a part of our Equipping Nights.

If you feel led to make a donation to our Women’s Bible Study childcare fund, you can do so HERE. These donations will make a way for all women to come to Bible Study. Thank you for your generosity!

For questions, contact Mallory. 

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Women's Weekend - The Stories We Tell