Wrap Around Group

Every Wednesday until May 7, 2025
6:15pm – 7:30pm
Category: GeneralDate: Wednesdays
Time: 6:15 - 7:30 pm
Location: Room W-106
Do you have a heart for adoptive and foster families but not sure how you can help?
Are you a foster parent or an adoptive family needing support?
Then, come on out to Henderson Hills and learn how you can Wrap Around these families and be the hands and feet of Jesus. This may be through offering respite care, meals, clean up at the Boys Ranch, or having "showers" for foster kids.
W.R.A.P. stands for W - wrestle in prayer, R - respite care, A - acts of service, P - promises of God. We want to offer foster and adoptive families layers of support, so that everyone in the home - children and adults - are wrapped in a God-designed way.
Any questions, email Courtney Shettron