Join us in-person on Sundays at 9 or 10:30 am and online at 10:30 am. Find the Livestream HERE.

 “And whoever welcomes one such child in my name
welcomes me.” 
Matthew 18:5


The Foster and Adoption Ministry (FAM) at Henderson Hills exists to love God and others by preparing, supporting, and encouraging our members and friends who choose to grow their family through adoption and/or to serve those in the foster care system. We have a strong desire to not just minister to those adopting and/or fostering, but to the biological families and birth families as well. 

Upcoming Events


Did you know that over 3,000 foster homes in our state are providing care for more than double that number of children? These families have stepped up in BIG ways, and Henderson Hills Bapist Church wants to celebrate and support them.

We are hosting a FREE carnival to honor these incredible families - but we need your help to make it happen!
Together, we can show foster families and children that they are loved and valued.
Will you join us? All donors will receive recognition at the carnival.

To give, please click HERE.


Adoption and Foster Care

Are you interested in learning more about adoption and/or foster care? We have a laid-back informational meeting and Q&A in May and November. Bring your questions and learn from people who have gone before you. These classes are usually small so that we can talk more in-depth and answer your individual questions.


Wrap-Around Support Group

Our Wrap Around Support Group is a place for everyone with a heart for serving vulnerable children in whatever capacity that might look like to each person/family. Not every family is called to adopt or foster, however, everyone can be involved in caring for orphans and the vulnerable in some way. The group meets on Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30 pm during the school year.

Couples may come to learn how they can serve a foster or adoptive family; others may attend because they need to be served. On occasion, we bring in outside resources, CASA workers, DHS case workers, adoptees, Boys Ranch Town employees, as well as others to educate all of us and to bring awareness to the needs. We are always looking for ways we can help serve our community through offering respite care, meals, clean up at the Boys Ranch, having "showers" for foster kids, or in whatever ways God leads us to serve. 



God has called the whole church, in every community, to care for hurting children and families in crisis. CarePortal helps churches engage in this way by making needs known to support biological, adoptive and foster families and children in the foster care system. It is a great way for the church to connect with the community through relationships and significant acts of service. We would love for Community Groups to commit to meet one need per month. Sign up here.


Hope Pregnancy Center

Hope Pregnancy Center is a non-profit organization that ministers to those in our local community. They provide a safe, confidential, and caring environment to any pregnant mother. There are so many ways we, at Henderson Hills, can walk alongside Hope Pregnancy Center and the people they serve. There are weekly opportunities, service projects, small group, and family projects – truly something for everyone that has an interest in serving. Click here to see specific opportunities and let us know how you would be interested in serving at Hope Pregnancy Center.

Safe Families

Safe Families Oklahoma began in 2014 with the goal of meeting the needs of children at risk for and in foster care in Central Oklahoma. Host Families, prompted solely by compassion and biblical hospitality, are screened, trained and serve without compensation. Designed to positively impact and support at-risk families, Safe Families is a non-coercive alternative to the state child welfare system, allowing parents to work out their problems without having to worry about losing custody of their child. Safe Families hosts a Zoom call once a month for anyone interested in learning more. It is a one hour FAQ session to learn more, have an opportunity to ask questions and decide if Safe Families would be a good fit for your family. 


Questions or comments? Please contact Courtney Shettron.