Join us in-person on Sundays at 9 or 10:30 am and online at 10:30 am. Find the Livestream HERE.

Henderson Hills' Marriage Ministry exists to equip, enrich, restore, and empower marriages so couples can use their biblical marriages as a ministry to bless others and bring glory to God.

Marriage is the ultimate expression of God’s image to the world and a picture of His love for His church. Whether you are engaged, building your marriage, walking through a difficult season, or have been married for decades, every marriage has opportunity for growth. 

Henderson Hills' Marriage Ministry offers opportunities and safe places to prepare for marriage, establish newlyweds, and enrich and restore all marriages through spiritual encouragement and biblical counsel. HHBC seeks to to equip marriages with the necessary tools to help refine spouses to look more like Jesus and act as the foundation for healthy families. 


Living to Leave a Legacy 

Living to Leave A Legacy is a foundational course designed to help us understand that God has a plan for our marriage. Our struggles and difficulties as well as our celebrations, mold us and grow our relationship into a beautiful union God gave us through marriage. We will begin to see that God wants something more from our marriages than our happiness. When we strive as couples to emulate the sacred relationship between Christ and His bride, God will use our marriages as an instrument to leave the legacy of Christ with our children.

Contact Courtney Shettron for dates of the next class offering. 


Called 2 Love Small Group Study

Called 2 Love is a 7-week study for married couples that shows you how to love like you've been loved. You can experience deepened closeness, freedom to share all of yourself, healing for disappointments and hurts, skills to pass on a legacy of love, and clarity on how God can involve you and your marriage in Kingdom plans.

Contact Courtney Shettron for more information.


Date Nights

We find in Scripture that the union between husband and wife is most sacred. Our spouse should be first priority of any other human relationship. Because of that, HHBC Marriage Ministry strives to create space in our busy lives to reinvest into this covenant relationship by offering quarterly Date Nights. Date Nights may vary in how they look and what we do, but our emphasis will be that you are spending quality time together with your spouse. 


Marriage Mentoring

No matter where you are in your marriage journey, there are always opportunities to grow closer to Christ and each other. HHBC Marriage Mentoring offers hope by helping couples at every stage move toward oneness by addressing common challenges from a biblical perspective. HHBC Marriage mentoring small groups are a safe place to establish and grow couples for a lifetime of marital oneness and ministry. 

For more information about joining a group, contact Courtney Shettron.

Become a Marriage Ministry Mentor
Volunteer Couples are needed to assist the Marriage Ministry Team! Trainings are offered by a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Please watch the Henderson Hills Events page for the next scheduled training or contact Jimmy Quinn



If you're interested in having your wedding at Henderson Hills, please reach out to Wedding Coordinator. In addition to helping you plan your wedding, we are committed to helping each couple build a strong Christian marriage. 

Each couple to be married at Henderson Hills Baptist Church must complete premarital counseling before the wedding date. Arrangements for the counseling sessions should be made with the officiating pastor. Anyone using an outside officiate must still complete the counseling. Information concerning the marriage license should be discussed during the counseling sessions.

According to 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, our pastors reserve the right to decide whom they will unite in Christian marriage.

Sherri Wullschleger
Wedding Coordinator
