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The church is built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).


Once this foundation was completed, the temporary officers were no longer necessary in the church. Therefore, since the apostles have passed from the scene, the church must be governed by the precepts of Scripture alone. This means it will be under the administration of the ordinary officers of the church: the Elders and Deacons. We believe the role of Elders is to protect, feed, lead, and care for the church. They are the ones who have the specific responsibility for the spiritual care of the flock. After much study and prayer, Henderson Hills approved governmental leadership by an Elder Council on August 4, 1996. 



The Elders consider it a privilege and blessing to have the opportunity to pray with members. The Elder Council meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month, and members are welcome to meet with the Elders for prayer or other issues. Please email the Elders or call the church office at 405-341-4639 to schedule a time to meet with them during one of the Elder Council meetings. 

In addition, Elders or staff are available before and after each worship service for prayer. When appropriate, two or more Elders will anoint with oil during prayers for healing. 


Soul Care

Hebrews 13:17 says Elders are to watch over the souls of the flock and will have to give account to God for the way they have watched over these souls. Having a genuine concern for another's spiritual well-being is a ministry our Elders call 'Soul Care.' Through the Soul Care Ministry, each Elder has been assigned Community Groups for intentional and relational interaction. 


Elder Qualifications & Training

Several passages provide qualifications for eldership (1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9).

On occasion, as the Lord leads, the Elder Council will ask for those men who feel called by God to step forward to investigate the possibility of entering the elder mentoring process. This process lasts up to two years. The congregation will be given a chance to approve successful candidates after recommendation by the Elder Council.

This extensive process is designed to get to know these men well and examine their biblical qualifications for elders, their ability to teach the Bible, their reputation as men of God in the church and the community, their ministry to the church, and their doctrinal soundness.

For a summation of eldership at Henderson Hills, below is a recent sermon from one of our elders, Ryan Whitaker. 


Our Elder Council

Chris-elderChris Cross

Aaron-Elder-2024Aaron Ferguson

Dan-ElderDan Leiphart

TR--Elder-2024T.R. Lewis

Steve-Elder-2024 Steve Murdock

Trebor-ElderTrebor Nall

Allen-ElderAllen Rice

Ryan Whitaker

John-Elder-2024 John Wohlgemuth

On Sabbatical: Joe Williams

Our Bylaws

Henderson Hills Baptist Church endeavors to be a church of the Lord Jesus Christ, as described, established, and mandated by the New Testament. Bylaws are to provide general guidance to Henderson Hills on governance and operation, based upon biblical references. However, the ultimate authority for Henderson Hills governance and operation is the Bible. When a conflict or ambiguity exists with regard to these Bylaws, deference is to be given to the biblical reference to resolve the conflict or ambiguity.

Click HERE for a copy of our Bylaws.


If you have questions, please email