Join us in-person on Sundays at 9 or 10:30 am and online at 10:30 am. Find the Livestream HERE.

Henderson Hills is committed to ministering to children, ages Kindergarten through 5th grade, and their parents.

We want to be a people compelled by the desire to tell the generation to come of the Lord and His mighty deeds. Because we believe all Scripture is inspired by God, able to equip for every good work, we strive to come alongside families in their efforts to train their children to become all God wants them to be. we desire to be a fun, welcoming place where children feel safe and loved, earning us the privilege of their trust, so that we may share God's Word which is able to give them the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. (Psalm 78:4, 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Deuteronomy 6:7)



Hillside Kids is available on Sundays at 9 & 10:30 am. Children in Kindergarten-5th grades may attend one session and attend worship with their families during the other session. (Birth-Pre-K children may attend one or more sessions).

Our Community Groups consist of age-appropriate Bible teaching, hands-on activities and crafts, training in prayer, and large-group worship with drama, singing, and movement. We utilize The Gospel Project for curriculum following a chronological timeline of Biblical events over a 3-year span to teach kids the Bible is one story, God's story of redemption through Jesus Christ. Children learn how Christ fits into every part of God's big plan, pre-creation to eternity, and how they become a part of His plan too.


The Hideaway Shoppe

The "The Hideaway Shoppe" is a special incentive for kids to "hide" God's Word in their hearts, based on Psalm 119:11. As part of the Community Group experience, children (K-5th) will be awarded points for key activities like attending Community Group, bringing a Bible, memorizing the weekly Bible verse, learning the Old and New Testament books of the Bible, and brining first-time visitors to Community Group. The Hideaway Shoppe occurs during all Community Group times during the school year. 

Click HERE to download this year's Hideaway Shoppe Book 2024-2025.



Kids three years old through 5th grade (during the school year) can also attend our Wednesday night program at 6:15 pm called G2, designed to be an extension of our weekend curriculum with a focus on discipleship (growth) and missions (go). G2 elements include a time of corporate worship, missions moments, active games, and small groups.


Hillside Kids Choir

Our desire is to inspire kids to worship Jesus by pointing them to the transforming power of the gospel. Hillside Kids love worship through singing, and we set aside time for it as a part of our normal schedule. As children engage, we have found that some develop a deep love of singing and a desire to help lead others. Our kids choir ministry will provide a place to cultivate those desires.

Although singing techniques will be taught, the bigger goal of Hillside Harmony Choir is to teach about what worship is, why we do it, and what it means to lead others in it. During each rehearsal there will be a special time to discuss Biblical principles on worship.

Harmony Choir is for 1st-5th graders and meets Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15 pm in room HK-214 during the school year. Register HERE

Prelude to Harmony Choir is for 3 year olds through Kindergartners and meets Wednesday from 5:30-6:05 pm in room HK-207 during the school year. Register HERE

For more information, contact Jennifer Burkholder.


Safety and Security

Our goal is to ensure, to the best of our ability, the safety, and security of our church members, beginning with our youngest and most vulnerable ones. We take every precaution possible and adhere to a three-fold approach to safety:(1) worker training and screening, (2) on-site security personnel, and (3) secure child check-in system.  Furthermore, classroom doors have windows so that activities are visible from the hallways and video monitors observe activities around entrances and hallways.

Recognizing and Reporting (RR) training is a mandatory qualification for every person working with children (birth through 5th grade) and students (6th through college) at Henderson Hills.

Early childhood classrooms are staffed with two people at all times and are regularly monitored by supervisory staff. Before working with children, each volunteer leader and paid staff member must undergo a background check, interview, and reference check and complete a Recognizing and Reporting training session. For more information, contact Jennifer Burkholder.


Kids' Night Out

Kids' Night Out is designed to provide affordable childcare for birth through 5th grade children whose parents attend organized HHBC Community Group social events. KNO affords peace of mind for parents, knowing their children are enjoying a safe, activity-filled evening at the church with the friends they have made in a small group or family group. Children attending KNO enjoy Bible-based games, crafts, activities, and snacks. Parents remain with their Community Group members for the evening so they can easily be contacted.

Community Group socials/KNO occur monthly on the second Friday of the month.

Cost: $20 for first child, $15 each additional child ($35 max)
When: 6:15-9:30 pm on the Fridays listed below
Registration Cut-off:  Noon on Monday before the KNO date 

Register for Feburary Kids Night Out HERE to register. (Deadline is February 4)

Upcoming Kids Night Out in 2025:

  • May 9
  • August 8
  • October 10
  • December 12


Yearly Events for 2025

  • April 16 - Hillside Kids Marketplace
  • June 9-12 - Vacation Bible School
  • July 28-31 - Kids Kamp
  • August 16 - Kindergarten Premiere
  • October 28 & November 2 - Parent Commitment Dinner & Service


For more information about Hillside Big Kids, contact Jennifer Burkholder.