Henderson Hills believes seniors play a vital role in the body of Christ. We are committed to providing fellowship and fostering their enthusiastic love for Christ.
The senior adults at Henderson Hills - loosely categorized as anyone age 63 years and older - have a vibrant and active ministry. Seniors enjoy the flexibility of reduced work hours or retirement, which gives more time for Bible study, fellowship, and volunteer work.
Senior Adult Meal
On the second Tuesday of each month, the Senior Adult Ministry hosts a catered meal and entertainment in the HHBC Activities Center. The entertainment varies but has included jazz bands, singers, comedy acts, and featured speakers. The church provides the entree and attendees bring side dishes, salads or desserts to share. There is no charge and guests are always welcome.
January 14 at 1 PM
Entree will be: Pizza and Cookies
Entertainment: Games
February 11 at 1 PM
Entree will be: Baked Potatoes
Entertainment: Cynthia Ridge Band
March 11 at 1 PM
Entree will be: Lasagna
Entertainment: Randy Lackey and Emily McLaurin
April 8
Entree will be: Ham
Entertainment: Fellowship (No Program)
May 13
Entree will be: Breakfast on the Patio
Entertainment: TBD
June 17
Entree will be: Sub Sandwiches
Entertainment: Speaker from No Boundaries
July 8
Entree will be: Hamburgers and Hot Dogs
Entertainment: June Carter
August 12
Entree will be: Finger Food
Entertainment: Movie Night
September 9
Entree will be: Pizza
Entertainment: Speaker from Boys Ranch
October 14
Entree will be: Mexican Pizza
Entertainment: Samaritan’s Purse
November 18
Entree will be: Turkey and Dressing
Entertainment: Thankful for POD Staff
December 9
Entree will be: Ham Sliders
Entertainment: 5:30 pm Christmas Lights
Senior adults make excellent mentors. Mature believers are needed to help younger believers deepen their walk with Christ. Sometimes a person going through a medical crisis needs a mentor who's already experienced this crisis. Other times a mentor may be able to share skills learned in parenting, on the job, or in life. Learn more about mentoring by contacting these Mentoring Coordinators:
Women: Pam McDougal | Men: Phil Sallee | Students: Patty Barnes
Periodically, the Senior Adults plan short trips and local activities. Past outings include touring the 'Passage' Bible exhibit, eating fried chicken at Ischen's, attending movies, riding the riverboats on the Bricktown canal, and more.
For more information, contact Sandy Rodriguez.